A New Class To Teach

I have just taken over a new class and I couldn’t be happier. After DJ left, a former teacher, one of his classes needed a teacher. For a while there was no set teacher and any teacher available taught the class. After some debate, the students requested that I be their permanent teacher. Many of the other teachers were upset because this class was special. Why you might ask, because it is full of hotties.

When DJ was here he placement tested most of the students. He made it a point to put all of the hot women into his RE class (RE classes are for adults). So now the class has a disproportionate amount of hot women in it and it has been nicknamed the hot RE class.

The class is so good looking that many of the other teachers have offered to come in during their free time to help out in the class.

Most of them are very good at English and make large improvements from week to week but there is a problem with teaching this class. The problem is that a few of them are really poor at English, but they are so good looking I don’t have the heart to tell them that they are wrong.

So I want to give a shout out to my friend DJ, who has left me with one of hottest classes ever.

About JoelS

Spending a year teaching English and saving the world in China
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1 Response to A New Class To Teach

  1. Think I can stop by for a cheeky mill drill sometime?

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